Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Ranger School: Darby 8 Hour Pass

Hi everyone! I have been meaning to post this second post a lot sooner but what can I say, I have been super busy.

I have been a nervous wreck these pass couple days and will continue to be until I find out if Brian gets a GO in mountains and will continue onto Florida phase! Praying for a GO but either way gonna trust in God's timing and carry on.

Moving on,  I also know that class 9-14 will soon have their 8 (or 12) hour pass in Darby coming up! This is a very exciting time for SOs. I would say if you are able to take time off or come up with the money to go- DO IT.  These guys are exhausted and it means so much to see you standing there. It is a short amount of time but that first hug will mean so much and last you until the next time you see them.  Brian's first go around in class 7-14 he recycled Darby. That meant he was able to have two 12 hour pass on Saturday and Sunday. As disappointing as it is, prepare for a recycle. Most guys will recycle at least once and that by no means failure. They will likely be upset but try to stay positive and encouraging!! They need it, especially from you. When I was sad about Brian recycling, I tried to find the silver lining. They will now get two 12 hour passes and will also more than likely have a couple days to weeks where they are able to have short phone calls and are learning more to be better prepared for next time! Cant go wrong there.  Fortunately, I was able to go for both Brian's passes and he finally got the GO the second time around! But let me tell ya, 8 hours goes by quick!  Here's some of my best advise for going to the Darby Pass.

First and for most, I would recommend joining the Facebook page: Ranger School Support Group. I cannot express how much useful information is on this page! You can find documents and directions and literally anything you could possibly want to know. Have other questions? Ask someone on the page! Everyone on this page is in the same position or gone through it before. They will more then graciously help you with any of your issues or questions. Next, Join the FB group designated for your guy's specific class. (Ex: Ranger School Class 8-14). This is where I have met some amazing women! Everyone is so great and I have definitely made some amazing friendships. This page is where people will organize anywhere from goodie bag parties where they all meet and get together to put together goodie bags to pass out at the pass, surprise lists to pass out to cabs, prayer chains, or even care package pick up. I feel like without these people I would be totally lost. I am so thankful for this group. There is also now a new FB page for only significant others (Ranger School SOS).

Secondly, COME BEARING GIFTS. These guys are hungry!! I have never seen Brian eat as much as he did on this break. I would definitely recommend having some snacks waiting for them! Also along those lines, if at all possible try to bring some supplies you think they may need. This step is not necessarily a must because in my experience, no matter they will HAVE to go to Commandos or Ranger Joe's.  But, Brian was very thankful I had brought some stuff last time. It does save some time, and with them being so tired it is likely they aren't thinking straight and may forget they need a few things. Supplies adds up FAST! So dont worry about getting a lot unless he has asked for something specific. (He will most likely know exactly what he wants/needs) If anything, bring GUM. Anything long lasting or the all the rage in ranger school Extra Dessert flavors. 

Third, Get to the pick up location early! They will say they will get released at 0800 but that rarely happens! From my experience, they will not release them till around 1000. Regardless, I recommend getting there around 0745. The RI will likely come out at some point and read off a list of the guys that recycled.  On top of that it gives you time to meet other people and set up a place to help pass out the goodie bags. (And you can usually peak through the what looks like prison gates hehe ;) )

Fourth, I cannot express this enough- SUPPLIES AND LAUNDRY MUST BE FIRST PRIORITY.  You cannot expect to have a lot of down time. Get this done first! Both times Brian fortunately had friends that were stationed in Ft. Benning that were amazing help. First time a round his friend volunteered to do Brian's laundry for him while we ran other errands. He luckily only had about 1-2 loads so this worked out great. Although, if time allows definitely try to put them through the wash twice. However, the second time around we decided to do the same thing only this time we left it with two other rangers (one who had an apartment at Ft Benning) Do NOT do this. On top of trying to do their own, time did not allow for Brian's clothes to dry. (Ranger brain at its finest) This was a big set back for us. I would definitely recommend taking the laundry to a laundry mat that will do it for you. Make sure you make a list of what he has and check it off while packing it back up!

My Last Piece of advice would be, if they decide to rest, don't let them rest to long and be aware of the time always! Returning 5 minutes late can result in being dropped from the course all together. Beware of traffic too! Not worth those extra 5 minutes. Lastly I would say if your guy is a GO, definitely go back the next morning to help out and give rides to the recycles. They will very much appreciate you and it is such a great experience. I went back the next day and brought donuts and gave them rides. They could not believe "someone actually cares about us" haha! 

Surprises can be the absolute best experience you can have! I loved seeing Brian's face light up and him saying "wow I cant believe you are here". I hope this helps some others but I cannot say enough to read those files on the FB page. They will be your best friend!

Now lets pray for another GO so Brian can be onto Florida! I will more than likely try to make another post about experience with Mountains. It is a lot different then Darby.

xoxo, Madison


  1. Hi! This post was super helpful I really appreciate it!! A few questions- during the first 8 hour pass do they have access to their cell phones? When they are recycled and waiting - do they have access to their cell phones at this time as well? Thanks so much

  2. Hi there Dorothy! My hubs left yesterday (Aug 26th) and I was wondering when exactly do they get their 8 hour pass? Have you experienced it yet?
